President of Opie's Beard Co. Jamie had grown almost every style of beard imaginable except one. He never had the courage to grow a full beard due to a lack of confidence caused by patchiness in certain areas, until a bearded outlaw appeared on his T.V screen. This inspired Jamie to grow a full beard and with that inspiration Opie's Beard Co. was born.
At Opie's Beard Co. Clubhouse, founder Jamie Cox set out to create a range of products to help the bearded brotherhood grow and nurture their beards. It all began with a simple idea to make his own beard oils using natural ingredients and scents. Jamie began sharing his creations with friends who kept coming back for more. Nurturing a beard can be an art, maintaining healthy skin and hair is imperative to a beards success story.
'Grow it, Fuel it, Style it'
We strive to provide the bearded brotherhood with products to help aid the condition of the beard and care for the skin, whilst also giving off great scents. We at Opie's care about each and every beardsman and their beards, whether your beard is long, short, thick or bushy we wanted to create products that you can trust to help fuel and style your beards. In order to achieve this, all our products contain mostly natural ingredients and have been tested and have approved Cosmetic Product Safety Reports.
We Value Your Feedback
You are our inspiration and we would love to hear from you in regards to whether you are enjoying our products, even if you have things you think we can improve on, let us know.....
Follow us on Instagram and Facebook to keep up to date with our latest news.
Opie's Beard Co.

Founder, Creator, Product Manufacturer and Proud Beardsmen.

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LA (Unbearded Blip)
Marketing, Customer Relations, Proof reader, Beard Admirer.

Dane Hankin
Admin of one of the biggest beard groups on Facebook (Men with beards) and renowned by the beard community. We were extremely pleased to have Dane on the team.
"Diamond" Dave Hesketh
A man that truly embraces the fun of bearding and always has a smile on his face. Dave was a welcome addition to the Opie's Familia

Blake Meyer
Blake is literally the nicest guy you'll ever have the fortune of meeting. He is well known and respected around the beard community and does some truly amazing things for charity including being Santa Blake to raise money for various good causes.

James "Welsh" Walsh
Brand Ambassador, PR Rep, Sales Executive with links to Astral Photographics.

Matt Wall
Matt is known around the beard community for the phrase "Who's Matt Wall". Matt has competed as a freestyle beards man all over the world. He is an absolute gentleman and we are honoured to have him as part of the Opie's Familia.

Ryan "Ginge" Pearsall
Ryan has been heavily involved helping charities in Peterborough, he has been a lover of Opie's for a long time. he's also a really nice guy and family man making him the perfect fit for our familia.

Ed Ford
Ed was one of our very first ambassadors and has been a loyal member of the Opie's Familia ever since. He's got links to various music platforms.

Brenden "The Baron" Plester-Burt
Brenden is a man that has been involved in the bearding scene for many years and has a wealth of knowledge when it comes to products and how competitions are run. He was also a big reason for Opie's success by giving us a platform when no one else would.

Sam "Whaler" Walsh
Sam has been a big supporter of us for a long time and shown real loyalty towards the brand but he's also a family man and top gentleman making him perfect to represent Opie's

Bear DY
Bear has been a big supporter of Opie's for many years and has become a well known face on the judges table at the Opie's Beard Co Beard & Moustache Championships. Bear also has a hand in arranging one of the U.K's top beard events in Beard On

Ryan "Guppie" Swanepoel
Ryan is not only and inspiration to a lot of people but he's also an absolute gentleman, he also has an award winning business beard and moustache. But the best quality Ryan possess is his positive attitude

Jamie Garner
Jamie has made a huge impact in the bearding world with work he does supporting both groups and beard events up and down the country with his partner Carla picking up many awards along the way. Jamie is a fantastic person and it's a pleasure to have him as part of the Familia

Lee "Rusty" Russell
Lee is a popular member of the bearding community through his support of the groups and of course the Opie's brand but Lee is also a family man as well as a top bloke which is exactly the sort of person we want representing or brand